New President of the European motorcycle industry association

The European motorcycle industry association, ACEM (Association of Constructeurs Europeens de Motocycles), has appointed Hendrik of Kuenheim, Director BMW Motorcycle, as the new President. The ACEM based in Brussels represents the manufacturers of motorcycles, scooters, trikes and quads at European level.
As Vice President, Hendrik of Kuenheim was involved in the activities of the ACEM since 2009. He succeeds Stefan Pierer (CEO of KTM), who held the position of the ACEM President since 2007. His discretion within the framework of the ACEM annual general meeting in Oxford, Hendrik of Kuenheim said: "we all are aware, that the European motorcycle industry in a very difficult market environment is." Due to the global economic crisis, the European market dwindled since the fourth quarter of 2008 to 25 percent. Our task is to continue to highlight the special features of an industry with its deep roots in Europe's economy and defend.
Despite difficult economic conditions, the ACEM is also in the future are at the forefront of innovation for clean and safe mobility. However, a sustainable future of our industry only on the basis of a realistic European legislation can be achieved that it allows the motorcycle industry in the global competition to be.
Important task is to the new regulation on type approval and market surveillance of motorcycles. "This regulation will be discussed at the moment in the European Parliament and the European Council."
Interview S with Hendrik of Kuenheim to the BMW 1000 RR