Honda to earthquake and tsunami in Japan

The staff of the Honda Germany GmbH press from their deepest sympathy for all people affected by the earthquake in Japan and its consequences. A member of the research and Development Department of Honda R & D co. Ltd. in Tochigi Prefecture had been killed in the quake on Friday, 34 people were injured.

To support the national rescue operations, the Honda Motor Corporation decided to:

From Monday, 14 March, all production activities in Sayama, Ogawa, Tochigi, Hamamatsu and Suzuka be set until further notice.The production at the Kumamoto plant exposed to from 15 to 20 March.From 14 to 20 March the scheduled operation in all Honda plants in the region is interrupted Tochigi, in which there was major damage (Tochigi Factory, Honda R & D co., Ltd. automobile R & D Center (Tochigi), Honda Engineering Co., Ltd.), among other things). The focus is now on the recovery of the individual facilities. The Honda employees be exempted for the affected period.

Honda provides aid

In the hope to be able to contribute, to a fastest possible construction of the affected areas, Honda provides the following tools:

Donations amounting to 300 million yen 1. 000 petrol and gas fired power generators, as well as 5,000 gas canister. Employees of Honda will explain the use of the donated generators.

Honda supports the Government's efforts to save energy and to counteract a looming blackout. The heart is the quick help for the affected regions. Honda will analyze the current situation on an ongoing basis and derive the necessary steps.