+++ UPDATE: MotoGP race in Japan moves on the October 2. +++ Update end +++ Carmelo Ezpeleta leaves it for the time being the leaders in Japan to take a decision on the Grand Prix. The devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami and the accidents in the nuclear facilities allow you to actually only the cancellation of the Japan race (April 24).
While the situation in Japan is always threatening to the earthquake and Tusnami due to the increase of nuclear incidents, Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta, the decision on a host of Japan Grand scheduled on 24 April for the time being placed Prix in the hands of local leaders. However, the Spaniard also stated that it wants only wait as things develop this week before anything is determined.
"I could talk to the people on the line, where there were fortunately no deaths among the employees." "You said that there had been only minor damage, loss of light and small things", cited AS the Dorna CEO. This was for the time being but once secondary for him. "Us provides less the State of the track in the race on 24 April as rather the psychological condition of the country." If they want to pull off the Grand Prix, we will do that. If you want to move him, he is moved. And if they want to cancel it, he will be cancelled. "Japan is an important country for this World Cup and we are with them during this painful time," said Ezpeleta.
Therefore he will ask only in Japan, the leaders want to do. However, the decision could be taken by the circumstances even. Because the nuclear accidents in the last days were not too far from Motegi away. Fukushima I is 124 kilometres from twin ring, the also struggling power plant in Onagawa is 238 kilometres and Tokai 2, where the cooling system also to have been damaged, is about 52 km track close.
Photo Show: MotoGP 2010 - the summary.
While the situation in Japan is always threatening to the earthquake and Tusnami due to the increase of nuclear incidents, Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta, the decision on a host of Japan Grand scheduled on 24 April for the time being placed Prix in the hands of local leaders. However, the Spaniard also stated that it wants only wait as things develop this week before anything is determined.
"I could talk to the people on the line, where there were fortunately no deaths among the employees." "You said that there had been only minor damage, loss of light and small things", cited AS the Dorna CEO. This was for the time being but once secondary for him. "Us provides less the State of the track in the race on 24 April as rather the psychological condition of the country." If they want to pull off the Grand Prix, we will do that. If you want to move him, he is moved. And if they want to cancel it, he will be cancelled. "Japan is an important country for this World Cup and we are with them during this painful time," said Ezpeleta.
Therefore he will ask only in Japan, the leaders want to do. However, the decision could be taken by the circumstances even. Because the nuclear accidents in the last days were not too far from Motegi away. Fukushima I is 124 kilometres from twin ring, the also struggling power plant in Onagawa is 238 kilometres and Tokai 2, where the cooling system also to have been damaged, is about 52 km track close.
Photo Show: MotoGP 2010 - the summary.